Geoffrey Carliner: The center of new world order will be Indo-Pacific
The center of power will inevitably shift towards the Indo-Pacific region as China and india and their neighbors become richer and more powerful.
Professor Shapiro: There is no escape from transition of power to the East
The change in the pattern of global power distribution and its gradual shift towards the East is a matter that is gradually becoming apparent and there is no escaping it.
Tom Phuong Le : In the new world order, regional actors will have more power to maneuver
powers like Iran, Saudi Arabia and Turkey in the Middle East in the new world order will have good maneuvering power due to the alliances and coalitions they create.
Robert Czulda: China's rising power is pushing India to cooperate with the West
he increasing power of China and its actions will further push India towards collaboration with the West.
Geoffrey Carliner: BRICS can be a strong voice for the Global South
BRICS can be a strong voice for the Global South.
Robert Smith: Washington's allies don't rely on it
Not only India but also many countries such as the European Union and Persian Gulf countries are not economically dependent on the United States.
Professor Shapiro: US-China relations have improved in 2023
The most important developments and issues of 2023 are the current Hamas/Israel war and the presence of "Donald Trump" in the 2024 presidential election.
Robert Shapiro: China will be the first player in the Central Asia and Caucasus region
With the decline of Russian influence in the Central Asia and Caucasus region, we are witnessing the strong presence of China in the region.
Increasing mistrust between Beijing and Washington in the design of artificial intelligence weapons
The competition and distrust between China and the US are probably too great for them to cooperate in designing AI weapons.
Paul Pillar: China and US two leaders in AI technology
Artificial intelligence, like most everything else in the digital world, knows no international boundaries.
Professor Beeman: US wants to be the world leader in AI
The United States is increasingly concerned about Chinese advances in the Artificial Intelligence.
Shireen Hunter: Controlling AI not possible without China's participation
Managing and controlling AI is not possible without China's participation.
Professor Entessar: China and US need to cooperate effectively to mitigate the harmful effects of AI
As two leading countries in the development and application of AI, both China and the United States need to cooperate effectively to mitigate the harmful effects of AI.
John Dunn: Cooperation over artificial intelligence remains difficult for US and China
Cooperation over artificial intelligence is and will remain difficult for US and China.
Prof. von Hippel: China have its own economic problems right now
Xi still thinks (and hopes) that the US is a declining power but China is having its own economic problems right now.
Professor Falk: China's influence in the Persian Gulf has worried America
China’s surprisingly skillful effort to achieve a dialogue between Riyadh and Tehran has created confusion in Washington.