Robert Kormoczi:Fintech success depends on giving the best customer experience

Robert Kormoczi:Fintech success depends on giving the best customer experience

TEHRAN (Bazaar)Robert Kormoczi, Content Distribution Manager at SEON, in interview with Bazaar News Agency said: Fintech startups success rate depends highly on giving the best customer experience and innovative results.

Following is the full text of the interview:

Bazaar:  What are the emerging technologies in FinTech? 

Kormoczi: There are many we can name like mobile banking and blockchain. But at the end of the day, what we at SEON Technologies can pinpoint is API’s (Application Program Interface) in Neo Banking as one of the most outstanding innovations in fintech. 

By allowing customers’ personal data to be shared, neo banks can improve the user experience, avoid redundant KYC checks and speed up access to financial services. Thus making them a clear winner in the fintech industry.

 Bazaar: What strategies are involved in promoting financial service technologies in countries? 

Kormoczi: Product led growth that focuses on information and security asymmetry are perhaps the most effective strategies out there. When it comes to hoarding money outside of the regular banking systems, a sense of safety and security is what makes or breaks a new financial services success. Building on products that can assist customers with these problems can have a competitive advantage over other financial services, no matter the country.

 Bazaar:  How do you think startups can play a more effective role in this field?

Kormoczi: It all comes down to innovation and boosting user experience. We did mention security and KYC checks, but as more and more fintech startups come to light their success rate depends highly on giving the best customer experience and innovative results.

کد خبر: ۱۲۲٬۰۷۳

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